Aidan, Gillian and Kieran Glessner |
Aidan, Gillian and Kieran Glessner are my grandchildren. Aidan Wayne Glessner was born in Blessing Hospital in Quincy, Illinois on January 7, 1997. Gillian Marie Glessner was born in St. Luke's Hospital in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on March 2, 2001. Six years later, Kieran James Glessner was also born in St. Luke's Hospital on March 29, 2007.
Aidan Gillian Kieran In the past, many pictures of Gillian and Aidan have been taken and several of those were put up on this web site. After several years, the accumulation of those pictures caused this web site to grow and get quite large. Also, some of them really weren't that representative of the grandchildren today and there was a need to make room available for the newer and more recent pictures. So..., I've eliminated many of the older pictures.
A few early pictures of Aidan and Gillian are still available on their "Birth Statistics and Info" web pages. Just click on the appropriate link below to view them.
Aidan's Birth Statistics and Info Gillian's Birth Statistics and Info The Glessner grandchildren's family tree can be found at the following link:
Aidan, Gillian and Kieran's Family Tree
The rest of this web page will be devoted more to the current events concerning my grandchildren. All of them and their parents currently live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Aidan and his parents moved from Quincy, Illinois in May of 1998.
Weekend of January 5, 2002 This weekend, we went to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Aidan turned five on January 7. Here are a few of the pictures we took of his birthday celebration. Notice that the birthday cake is again a "Train Cake", which he really liked last year. This time it had an addition car on it for a total of five (including the engine).
- The "A" Train (Aidan's Train)...
- Gotta blow the fire out of the boiler...
- Car number four gets demolished and eaten up by the Cedar Rapids Monster...
Weekend of March 9, 2002 We didn't get up to Cedar Rapids on Gillian's birthday on March 2 but celebrated it here in Quincy on the weekend of March 9. Since we last saw her in January, when we celebrated Aidan's birthday, we could really tell she's grown up. Even though she isn't walking yet, she's found out how to get around. Here's a few pictures of both grandkids at her "Birthday" celebration here in Quincy.
- The birthday cake that Grandma made
- OK, Big Brother, this one is mine; you wait your turn!
- I have to test it first - It seems kinda soft and mushy...
- Hey Big Brother, Blow, Blow, Blow - It's only one candle!
- Gillian, How did you get cake in your ears?
I ate it so fast, it overflowed and started running out!
March, April and May, 2002 Here's a picture of both of the grandkids together. It was taken on March 2, 2002, Gillian's birthday, when she turned one. Aidan had turned five on January 7.
And..., here's a few more pictures taken during April and May...
- Gillian, looking at the goldfinches out the kitchen window at Grandma's house.
- "Hi there..., I'm getting my beauty bath..."
- "Look Gillian, It's more fun just floating like this....."
- Aidan really gets involved when he's playing Pinball on the computer.
- This is what you get when you ask a five year old to make a face for the camera.
- See what happens when he does that 10,000 times.
September 6, 2002 - Grandparents Day at School On Friday, September 6, Alene and I drove to Cedar Rapids and visited Aidan in his kindergarten classroom. We got there about 3:00PM and there were already several other grandparents visiting. We met Aidan's teacher, some of the grandparents and his classmates. Aidan showed us around in his classroom. School is sure different now compared to when I went to school for the first time in 1939. Here are a few of the pictures I took. Just click on the description to view them.
And..., here's a few more pictures taken in the classroom and one outside...
- Aidan showing Grandma some of the things around the classroom.
- And..., Yes, there are computers - They didn't even exist when I went to school in 1939...
- Aidan with his teacher, Mrs. Reid.
- Aidan looks like he's really involved trying to figure out how the camera works.
- Some of the other grandparents looking things over.
- After class, all the kids are lined up and walk to the school bus - It's time to go home.
August 2, 2004 - Our Summer Vacation in the West On Monday, August 2, David, Irith, Aidan and Gillian took their summer vacation. They first drove to Worthington, Minnesota where they visited with some of the relatives who were from Sheldon, Iowa and Fulda, Minnesota. From there, they drove to an amusement park in South Dakota, and the grandkids had lots of fun there.
Before too long, they ended up in the Badlands of South Dakota, took the scenery in there and then drove to the Black Hills. There were lots of buffalo to see. After looking around the Black Hills area, they went a little farther west, and visited Devil's Tower. From there, they drove across the Big Horn Mountains and ended up in Yellowstone National Park. The Jackson Hole area was also beautiful. What a long ride to get out there though. The link below will take you to bunch of pictures that were taken on this vacation. We hope you enjoy them.
Just a few of the many pictures we took along the way...
Glenn W. Glessner - Quincy, Illinois | Web Page Created on March 18, 2002 - Updated on January 7, 2011 |